Lactation Services.

I have extensive personal experience with breastfeeding, as I breastfed my own five children. Additionally, I am a Certified Lactation Consultant (CLC) and have been working with breastfeeding mothers and babies since 2009.

Breastfeeding support is included in your care package with Sierra Madre Midwifery during your 6 week postpartum care and until you choose to wean. Breastfeeding support provides guidance on best latch, milk coming in, sore nipples, proper infant growth, milk supply, engorgement, mastitis, overreactive letdown, pumping and bottle feeding, tongue and lip mobility assessments, and more.

For families who have given birth elsewhere, I am happy to meet with you to help with latch, milk coming in, milk supply issues, etc. I have home and office appointments available. For all families I offer continuing care throughout the nursing relationship. Later visits often involve pumping and milk storage, creating a nursing plan for returning to work or school, nursing a teething baby, nursing a toddler, or weaning issues.


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